Upload Patient data

How to upload patient data using Device Link


<p>I want to upload my patient’s data from their Accu-Chek® device to the RocheDiabetes Care Platform.</p>


<p>Follow the instructions to upload data from your patient’s Accu-Chek® device using Windows or macOS operating systems.</p><p>If it is the first time you are uploading data, the following articles&nbsp;could be helpful to you:<br><a href="/care/professionals/upload-patient-data/how-install-device-link-software-upload-patient-data">How to install the Device Link software to upload patient&nbsp;data</a><br><a href="/care/professionals/upload-patient-data/how-connect-my-patients-device-first-time">How to connect my patient’s device for the first time</a></p>