Upload Patient data

How to install the Device Link software to upload patient data


<p>I want to install the Device Link software to upload data from my patient's device.</p>


<p>To install the Device Link software, first ensure that you have administrator rights on your computer, then:</p><ol><li>Sign in to your RocheDiabetes Care Platform account.</li><li>From the navigation bar, click Upload data <span><img src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/pastedimage2.png" alt="imageicon"></span> &nbsp;</li><li>Select <strong>Other</strong>.</li><li>A Device Link pop-up window displays. Click&nbsp;<span style="font-weight:bolder;">Download Device Link software</span>.</li></ol><p>Follow the appropriate installation instructions according to your computer’s operating system (Windows or macOS).</p>