<p>I want to upload my data from my Accu-Chek® device to the RocheDiabetes Care Platform.</p>
<p>Your healthcare professional must grant you access to the Patient portal before you can use it.</p><p>If it is the first time you are uploading data, the following article could be helpful to you:<br><a style="background-color:rgb(255, 255, 255);" href="/care/professionals/upload-patient-data/how-install-device-link-software-upload-patient-data">How to install the Device Link software to upload health data</a></p><p>Follow the appropriate installation instructions according to your computer’s operating system (Windows or macOS).</p>
<ol type="1"><li>Click the button <strong>⌃</strong> in the system tray to show hidden buttons and make sure the Device Link icon <img alt="Device Link icon" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/p19.png"> appears.</li><li>Connect the Accu-Chek® device to your computer using a USB cable or via the Accu-Chek® Smart Pix device reader. If you are using an infrared (IR) device, via the Accu-Chek® Smart Pix device reader or the USB cable for the Accu-Chek® 360° software, make sure it is in communication mode.</li><li><p>If auto-upload is enabled, the Data upload confirmation screen will appear. Click <strong>Next</strong> to upload data. See note (Enable automatic uploads).<br> </p><p class="text-center"><img class="img-fluid" alt="Data upload confirmation screen" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/1302.png"></p></li><li>A complete list of the Accu-Chek® supported devices and configuration details for data upload is available in the Device Link User Guide.</li><li>If it is the first time you are uploading data from this device, you need to set up the device.</li><li><p>Enter the email and password for your RocheDiabetes Care Platform account and click <strong>Sign in to account</strong>.<br> </p><p class="text-center"><img class="img-fluid" alt="Setup device screen" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/1303.png"></p></li><li><p>The screen displays the device name and serial number. Click <strong>Next</strong>.</p><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button">
<p class="text-center">
<img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon">
</button> <strong>Note: Enable automatic uploads</strong><br>If the Device Link icon in your notification area (system tray) shows a red plus sign, it indicates uploads will not automatically begin when you connect an Accu-Chek® device. To change this setting and enable automatic uploads, right-click the icon and select <strong>Enable Auto-Upload – Accu-Chek.</strong></div></li></ol><p class="text-center"><img class="img-fluid" alt="Enable automatic uploads" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/1304.png"></p>
<p class="text-center"><img class="img-fluid" alt="Device Link icon on the top applications bar" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/11_08.png"></p><ol type="1"><li>Make sure the Device Link icon <img alt="Device Link icon" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/1108.png"> or the Accu-Chek® 360° connection manager icon <img src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/two2.png" alt="Accu Chek connection manager icon"> appears on your computer’s menu bar, at the top of your screen.</li><li>Connect the device to your computer using a USB cable or via the Accu-Chek® Smart Pix device reader.</li><li>If you are using an infrared (IR) device, via the Accu-Chek® Smart Pix device reader or the USB cable for the Accu-Chek® 360° software, make sure the device is in communication mode.</li><li>When prompted, select <strong>Accu-Chek devices</strong>.</li><li>A complete list of the Accu-Chek® supported devices and configuration details for data upload is available in the Device Link User Guide.</li><li>If it is the first time you are uploading data from this device, you need to set up the device.<ol><li><p>On the Setup Device screen, enter the email and password for your RocheDiabetes Care Platform account and click <strong>Sign in to account</strong>.<br> </p><p class="text-center"><img class="img-fluid" alt="Setup device screen" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/13_06.png"></p></li><li>The screen displays the device name and serial number. Click <strong>Next.</strong></li></ol></li></ol>