Strip management

How to follow up with my patient status using Pick up at center


<p>I want to follow up with my patient using the Pick up at center feature.</p>


<p>The Pick up at center module enables patients to pick up test strips at the center and helps you monitor their testing routine. To open it, click on Strip management <span><img src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/pastedimage6.png" alt="imageicon"></span> from the sidebar and follow these steps:</p><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><p><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button"> <img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon"> </button> <strong>Note:</strong> This optional feature only displays if available in your country and enabled at your center. To activate it, select the checkbox <strong>Pick up at center</strong> when you create or edit a patient.</p></div>

  • 1. Create a guideline

    <p>If you have not yet created your patient’s testing routine, you first need to specify it in the <strong>Guideline</strong> tab. To learn more about how to manage guidelines, follow this <a href="/care/professionals/strip-management/how-manage-my-patients-testing-routine-using-guidelines">article</a>. Then, the system will calculate when the patient should collect test strips at the center.</p>
  • 2. Set up alerts

    <p>Additionally, you can set up alerts for hypos, hypers, or warnings, to determine if a patient may need further support. To know more about alerts, follow this <a href="/care/professionals/strip-management/how-set-alerts-monitor-patients-optimal-intervals-glycemia">article</a>.</p>
  • 3. Upload data

    <p>Prior to any delivery, a data upload from the patient’s meter must be performed so that their status is up to date.</p>
  • 4. Check the status color

    <p>After the data upload, the color under <strong>Delivery status</strong> will update. This indicates whether the guideline is being followed and/or if an alert has been triggered.</p><p><img class="img-fluid" alt="Delivery status" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/271_01_0.jpg"></p><div>Patients can pick new test strips to continue their testing routine if the status color is:</div><ul><li><strong><u>Green</u></strong>: They have consumed all or most of the prescribed test strips.</li><li><strong><u>Orange</u></strong>: This could be because they:<ul class="rteindent1"><li>have consumed a considerable amount of the prescribed test strips.</li><li>have exceeded one or more of the established thresholds and triggered an alert.</li></ul></li></ul><div>Patients can’t collect test strips if the status color is:</div><ul><li><strong><u>Red</u></strong>: This could be because they:<ul class="rteindent1"><li>have consumed fewer test strips than prescribed and still have enough stock.</li><li>have consumed more test strips than prescribed and may require a visit for evaluating their testing routine.</li><li>have gestational diabetes and are now outside of the range of their due date.</li></ul></li><li><strong><u>Gray</u></strong>: There is no data to calculate the status for the current time period. This could be because an upload is pending, not yet due, or because a delivery has just been made.</li></ul><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><p><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button"> <img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon"> </button> <strong>Note:</strong>The test strip consumption values can be customized and may differ depending on the center.</p></div>
  • 5. Schedule a visit if necessary

    <p>Depending on the status, the software may require the patient to visit their healthcare professional before receiving any further test strips.</p><p>If for any given reason the patient needs extra test strips delivered, force a change in the status to deliver them manually. For further information, follow this <a href="/care/professionals/strip-management/how-deliver-extra-test-strips-patient">article</a>.</p>