Strip management

How to deliver extra test strips to a patient


<p>My patient needs extra test strips delivered.</p>


<p>If for any given reason the patient needs extra test strips delivered, you can deliver new ones manually.</p><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><p><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button"> <img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon"> </button> <strong>Note:</strong>This optional feature only displays if available in your country and enabled at your center. To activate it, select the checkbox <strong>Pick up at center</strong> when you create or edit a patient.</p></div><p>Using the established guideline, the system calculates when the patient might need new test strips so that you can automatically deliver them upon their visit to the center. Admin roles can’t edit guidelines.</p><h4>Manual delivery</h4><p>In the instance that the patient needs test strips manually delivered, you will have to:</p><ul class="rteindent1"><li>Click on the Strip management <span><img src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/pastedimage6.png" alt="imageicon"></span> card&nbsp;to expand it.</li><li>If necessary, report lost or damaged test strips to recalculate the patient stock:<ol class="rteindent1"><li>Go to the <strong>Lost strips</strong> section.</li><li>Enter the amount or click <strong>+</strong>.</li><li>Click <strong>Recalculate strips</strong> to adjust the next delivery accordingly.<br><img class="img-fluid" alt="Lost strips" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/274_01.png"></li></ol></li><li>Indicate that your patient needs additional test strips manually delivered:<ol class="rteindent1"><li>Go to the <strong>Extra strips</strong> section.</li><li>Enter the number of test strips containers delivered.</li><li>Include the reason in the comment box.</li><li>Click <strong>Manual delivery</strong>.<br><img class="img-fluid" alt="Extra strips delivered" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/274_02.png"></li></ol></li></ul><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><p><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button"> <img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon"> </button> <strong>Note:</strong>To prevent stock mismatches, we recommend using Manual delivery only if your patient’s test strips got damaged or lost, or in exceptional circumstances.</p></div>