What is the Roche Diabetes RemoteCare solution
<p>I want to learn more about the RocheDiabetes RemoteCare solution.</p>
<p>The RocheDiabetes RemoteCare solution is a remote patient monitoring tool, which can help you analyze and act on diabetes data, and provide further support to patients at a distance.</p><p>This optional module includes additional features which allow you to:</p>
Identify patients at risk
<p>RocheDiabetes RemoteCare allows you to track how your patients are doing between visits and identify those at a higher level of risk. To learn more about how to identify patients who may benefit from enrolling in this solution, follow this <a href="/care/professionals/remotecare/how-identify-patients-who-may-benefit-remote-monitoring">article</a>.</p><p><img class="img-fluid" alt="Patterns" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/233_1.png"></p> -
Record and extract reports
<p>You will also be able to record your work and add it to a patient’s clinical file. Additionally, you can track the time invested in providing remote care, which can facilitate the reimbursement process, when applicable. To learn more about how to seek and receive reimbursement for these activities, follow this <a href="/care/professionals/remotecare/how-seek-and-receive-reimbursement-remote-consultation">article</a>.</p><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><p><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button"> <img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon"> </button> <strong>Note:</strong>To access the features of RemoteCare, you first need to enroll your patients in the Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) program. Users with an HCP master professional role can easily extend the duration of the RPM program to continue accessing all its features. For instructions on how to enroll a patient and modify default settings, read this <a href="/care/professionals-remotecare/how-enroll-patient-rochediabetes-remotecare-solution">article</a>.</p></div> -
Communicate with your patients remotely
<p>The solution provides a set of communication channels to improve interaction with your patients and other healthcare professionals, enabling you to:</p><ul><li>Exchange notes and comments with them, which can also be viewed from their mySugr® app, and shared with other healthcare professionals caring for the same patient.</li></ul><p>For more information about using these communication tools, visit this <a href="/care/professionals/remotecare/how-communicate-my-patient-using-rochediabetes-remotecare-solution">article</a>.</p>