
How to communicate with my patient using the RocheDiabetes RemoteCare solution


<p>I want to communicate with my patient remotely.</p>


<p>RocheDiabetes RemoteCare is an optional module that helps you monitor your patients remotely and can help improve communication channels between healthcare professionals and patients.</p><p>This solution can help encourage your patients to engage more with their treatment and help them better self-manage their diabetes.</p><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><p><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button"> <img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon"> </button> <strong>Note:</strong>These features are only available for patients enrolled in the Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) program. For more details on how to enroll a patient, follow this <a href="/care/professionals/remotecare/how-enroll-patient-rochediabetes-remotecare-solution">article</a>.</p></div><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><p><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button"> <img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon"> </button>In the event of an emergency, do not use this channel.</p></div><p><br>To access&nbsp;the available tools to communicate with your patients in between visits, select the desired patient and click the on <strong>Notes &amp; reports</strong> <span><img src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/pastedimage3.png" alt="imageicon"></span> to expand it.</p>

  • Communication via notes and comments

    <p>Notes and comments can be used to:</p><ul class="rteindent1"><li>Record and share relevant patient notes with the healthcare team for coordinated patient support.</li><li>Communicate with your patient and proactively share therapy recommendations and guidance.</li></ul><p><img style="height:155px;width:297px;" alt="" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/notes_reports.jpg"></p><p>To create a note:</p><ol class="rteindent1"><li>Click the notes icon <img style="height:29px;width:25px;" alt="" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/notes_reports.png"> on the top bar, and click <strong>Create note</strong>.</li><li>To start communicating with your patient, select the checkbox below to share it with them.</li></ol><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><p><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button"> <img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon"> </button> <strong>Note:</strong>You can also create a note by clicking <strong>Check in now</strong> from the patient info row in Patient management.</p></div><p><br>To comment on an existing note:</p><ol class="rteindent1"><li>Click <strong>Comments</strong> below the note.</li><li>Click <strong>Add a comment</strong> below the relevant note.</li></ol><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><p><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button"> <img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon"> </button><strong>Note: </strong>A blue badge on the notes icon indicates that you have unread notes or comments.</p></div><p><br>Patients can read all shared notes and comments and add their own comments from:</p><ul class="rteindent1"><li>the mySugr® app (for patients with a mySugr® account and enrolled in Data sharing).</li></ul><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><p><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button"> <img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon"> </button><strong>Note: </strong>All healthcare professionals associated with a patient can view the comments.</p></div>