EMR integration
How to generate EMR reports
<p>I want to generate Electronic Medical Record reports.</p>
<p>The EMR integration allows you to generate reports for your patients. Each report displays information for the time period currently selected on the patient profile bar, including:</p><ul class="rteindent2"><li>Patient name and ID number</li><li>Time period of the report</li><li>Total and average number of BG tests</li><li>Average BG (Blood Glucose)</li><li>Variability</li><li>Glucose level distribution</li></ul><p>Additionally, daily totals display in a table, including carbohydrate intake and insulin data.</p>
To generate EMR reports:
<ol><li>Go to patient view for the selected patient.</li><li>Click the <strong>Send EMR</strong> icon on the navigation bar.<img class="img-fluid" style="height:33px;width:30px;" alt="Send EMR icon" src="/sites/g/files/papvje391/files/support_articles/send_emr_icon.png"></li><li>When the report has been generated, a confirmation message appears. Click <strong>Ok</strong>.</li><li>If an error has occurred, click <strong>Retry</strong>.</li><li>You can now access and print the report from your center’s EMR system.</li></ol><div class="article-notice-warning" role="alert"><p><button class="icon-close notice-icon" type="button"> <img src="/modules/custom/roche_global_settings/templates/icon/Cross.svg" alt="notice close icon"> </button> <strong>Note:</strong></p><ul class="rteindent1"><li>Feature options are not available in every country.</li><li>Some features that are available in your country may not be part of your center’s agreement. Contact your Roche representative for any inquiries.</li></ul></div>